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Writer's picture: Li JuanezaLi Juaneza

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

In baseball and softball, there is such a thing called a curveball. It is a swerving pitch that breaks away from the straight line and is used to keep hitters off-balance. The ball's unexpected change of direction can leave hitters swinging in the air.

We're sure to experience several curveballs in life and our response to them can either throw us in a frenzy or get us better prepared for the next one that's sure to come.

Crushing it

We were thrown the biggest curveball this century when the pandemic broke out turning the world and livelihoods upside down. There were those who missed it and there were those who smashed into it.

Business-minded individuals immediately jumped on digital technology as personal and business transactions were encouraged to go cashless.

New startups appeared creating avenues for online support and other apps for online businesses. There were many who shifted from online taxi service to delivery service. Stores and entrepreneurs activated their customer email lists and social media engaging them aggressively letting them know that they are in business and just a click, message, or call away.

Restaurants are heavily promoting their take out and delivery service on social media as in-house dining service is limited. There are many sales, discount, and free shipping promos in an effort to boost more business.

Plant businesses and gardening stores are making a killing as thousands find solace in cultivating plants and flowers. Though many have pivoted, there are those still pivoting and struggling to find their footing in a pandemic environment.

Have you managed to hit the curveball out of the park or are you still swinging in the air?

Discovering what matters

We've lived almost a year of monumental shifts thanks to the pandemic. It has not abated as some countries have been going through their second and third series of lockdowns. Several pharmaceutical companies are now testing vaccines but none are expected to be publicly available until 2021.

Physical health is the major concern but we've found out that mental health was an important issue as well. Those who had a positive attitude were more likely to heal faster.

Having a positive mental attitude helped people thrive in isolation cut off from normal activities, family, and friends. It also helped maintain harmony between partners and families while being cooped up inside the small spaces of their homes.

Personally, I have fallen into a new routine. The simple life I led pre COVID has gotten more basic. My trips outside the house have either been grocery store or drugstore runs. The only time I go to the mall is when I need to purchase a big ticket item or can't find what I'm looking for online.

There are no more going out to the movies, shopping or malling days, breakfasts, lunches, meriendas, or dinners in restaurants. No road trips or domestic travel to favorite destinations and definitely no international travel.

The positive thing about this though is spending has become less but more thoughtful. Since you can't really go out and browse around, it makes you think if you really need something or not. Conversations even if done through videoconferencing are more intentional and focused. Trying to connect and accomplish something virtually has never been as important as ever.

What are the things that matter most to you today?

Riding out the pandemic

Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash

I found this photo the other day and I must say that I've learned several "dances" in the rain.

My most awaited event every day now is the break of dawn. It's absolutely lovely to hear the symphony of tweets, peeps, and warbling while doing morning prayers and meditation. New birds keep finding their way into our neighborhood as I hear a different set of warbles now and then.

Having time with the dogs and being out among plants have been therapeutic for me. Seeing our flowers bloom and harvesting vegetables from our garden (or what remains of it) always brighten up my day.

I do find myself dancing (not a sight to behold) and singing to some pop songs on my playlist which provide some sense of release from being inside our house almost all the time. Listening to different types of instrumental music help when I work or write on this blog. When it gets really tough and a feeling of "when will this end" comes in, I play my worship playlist from YouTube and that carries me throughout the rest of the day.

Have you been dancing lately?

Unfailing hope

There is just no way I can end my blog without pointing back to what really has kept me sane and has underpinned my life especially this year.

Father God through His Son Jesus Christ has been with me this entire journey. I am fine because of His great love that fills me up to overflow every day. I am positive because I know that no matter what happens, He knows what is best for me. I have hope because though the present seems bleak, He promised an incomparable future (Revelation 21 and 22).

He has given me everything I needed in the past, which tells me He's got today and the future covered. My role is to believe, trust, obey, and do the work set before me.

Where have you put your hope?


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