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Writer's pictureLi Juaneza

Hey, I'm here.

Being inside the house almost 24/7 has thrown me off balance making me lose my sense of time. I wondered why my friend contacted me about a video submission thinking I was on schedule. It turned out I was already a day late!


In one of the Zoom fellowships I’ve attended this week, the speaker reminisced how he got delivered from drugs and a hedonistic lifestyle. He was so grateful and hungry to know God more that he read the Bible from cover to cover.

He couldn't get enough of God that he went to every church meeting available. His friends thought he’d gone crazy as he told them about what happened to him and his newfound experience with God. He couldn’t contain the joy he felt.

He went on to become a pastor and became busy with many church and spiritual activities in the years that followed. Then, the pandemic happened. Everything came to an abrupt stop as the government called for people to stay home.

There was no deadline, no schedule, no travel, no workshops, or speaking engagements. They were stuck in their house with hardly any extracurricular happenings. For the first time in a very long time, he and his wife had no activities to do.

In the peace and quiet of their home, God began to speak him. The Lord reminded him how excited he was when they first encountered each other many years ago. Was he still that ardent in His relationship with God?

That stopped me for a minute, then it pierced my heart.

Doing God’s work doesn’t necessarily equate to giving God the attention due Him. We can be busy doing things for God that it is possible to overlook Him.

Zealous fervor

I remember when I got my first walking doll. I was so captivated by it that I played with it every day and made sure to tuck it in its box at night. When I got my first mobile phone, I tinkered with it for hours trying all of its features and opening all its icons.

Since we’re on the subject of firsts, I have to mention the first time I fell in love. I didn’t even know it until a friend pointed it out. There was this sense of thrill and nervousness whenever he was around. I wanted to be with him whenever possible and talk to him so I can know him more.

It’s exciting to be in love. We get a rush and a high as we get to know everything about this new person who keeps us amazed and preoccupied. The new interaction moves us to be intimate because discovering different facets of his or her character keeps us interested to know more. We can’t get enough of this person.

The feelings are intense showing no signs of abatement. As time passes by somehow things become predictable. Without being aware of it, we begin to take this person for granted because what made us excited before has become ordinary.


As I was writing this week’s blog, I got into all sorts of delays - daily chores, unexpected little events, and the addictive telenovelas (Netflix guilty!). It was not easy because I was distracted (distraída).

Watching entertainment was more stimulating rather than being quiet before God (so that He could show what I should write about this week). I have no difficulty reading God’s word and meditating on it for a few minutes but I’ve reached a plateau.

I was going through the motions day in and day out, running in a hamster’s wheel not getting anywhere. Everything was monotonous. There has got to be more to this!

Look at Me

It is a weird conundrum and there are no excuses to make. I know I’m not alone when I say that we all need a break from this prolonged isolation that is imposed on the world. I’m glad that we are able to go out as much as we need, but it’s not the same.

The activities and other things that we are used to doing have been stripped away so we can see again what truly matters. Unfortunately, I looked at my situation and feelings so much that I missed the point. I chose to be entertained with other things when my focus should have been on God all along.

Trusting in God and knowing that He is always there for us is the only way we’ll be able to come out of any debacle whole.

He alone gives meaning, direction, and purpose to our life whatever our circumstances may be. He loved us first even before we discovered how incredible it is to be the recipient of that love. God in His patience reveals His character as we are able receive it. Along the way, He accompanies us as we go through ups and downs lovingly guiding us to stay on the path.

I took the focus off myself and situation and fixed my gaze back at Him. Calmness and peace entered my soul and I fell on my knees and worshipped Him. All I could do was tearfully praise and thank Him for setting me back on track

Father, thank You for your grace. You’ve enabled me to get out of misery and back into Your presence. There is no condemnation in You. I pray for those who are reading this and feeling anxious about their situation today and their future. May You gently turn their faces to You so they can see Your boundless love and cast off all their worries away. This I pray in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, amen.

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