I was not able to blog last week as I was traveling. Once again, I experienced first-hand how social media dependent we have become.
The last decade has seen the rise of social media channels and sites as people saw how effective it was to advertise and get something or someone famous fast. Previous generations rely heavily on traditional media for just about any kind of information. Millennials, on the other hand, are quite the experts as social media is what they've been born into (i.e., parents posting about their pregnancy and childbirth and other milestones on FB or IG).
We checked travel vlogs and reviews for spots we were going to visit or places of interest people talked about. There were many "instagrammable" places in the city. As such, there were many people holding up their phones for selfies which they immediately upload on Instagram and other social media sites.
A Japanese tourist traveling alone even asked me to take his picture (Tourists, unite!). There were also many taking food photos especially at the night market which had local exotic (read: worms, crickets, larvae, scorpions) food. Guilty! We just had to document eating crocodile barbecue. It isn't common cuisine in Manila or anywhere I know for that matter!

Nope, this is not a travel or food blog
The purpose of my trip was to attend a conference. During one of the breaks, my friend repeated something that the speaker said, "I see you! I see you! I see you!" It hit me hard and stuck with me. Most people want to be seen and do all they can to be seen: perform at school or work, become famous, build a good reputation for business, blog, vlog, comment on blogs and vlogs, post pictures and updates on social media, create "drama," join the "scene," or the "in crowd."
Is it perhaps people are lonely than they care to admit and posting one's activities, milestones, and happenings makes them a little less lonely because people get to comment, commend, applaud, like or dislike, affirm, love them and what they do?
There is one however who always has his eye on you. He's not impressed with what you're eating, where you've been, what you've done, who you've been with, or what your outfit of the day is. He is already impressed with you!
He has been your number one fan since you made your grand entrance into this world. You may not know it but he rejoiced when you were born because he's excited to see you become the beautiful person that you were destined to be. It doesn't matter if you've fallen flat on your face or had the biggest promotion at work. To him, you are always his favorite.
So, whenever you feel lonely or think that no one cares about you, know that our Father in heaven sees you! He is interested in you. Have you spoken with Him lately? Talk to Him. Ask Him what He thinks of you. How does He see you? Get ready for you might just be blown away with what He'll say.
Final word
On the last day of the conference there was a special time of prayer for Thailand and the Thai people. The international delegates were asked to form a circle around the Thai people and pray for them. I did not feel led to go because I needed prayer myself. I remained seated and watched my friends pray for the Thais and give them hugs.

A few minutes later someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a Thai lady. "Can I give you a hug?" she said with a smile. I said, "Yes, of course!" She hugged me tightly and before I knew it I was hugging her and crying. She prayed for me but I couldn't understand what she was saying with the ambient music and noise.
All I knew was I needed a hug from God and He sent this tiny Thai lady to hug me! After several minutes we let go and I thanked her deeply. I couldn't think of anything else to say. My mind was blank as I sat in my seat but my heart was comforted. God sees me! He very gently guides me to where I'll find peace and comfort - home, which is back to Him, my Father.
Next: The Gap We Can't Ignore