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Out of an overflow

Writer's picture: Li JuanezaLi Juaneza

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

In the 1950s, American Walter Keane became known for his paintings of children with big, sad eyes and grew wildly successful in the ’60s. In 1965, however, following a divorce, his now ex-wife Margaret dropped a big bomb claiming she was the artist behind all of Walter’s work.

The legal battle dragged on for years until an unusual ruling by a judge in 1986. He told them to have a “paint off” in the courtroom to settle the matter once and for all.

After winning, Margaret started painting happy eyes reflecting what she felt inside.

Margaret painted a big-eyed brown-haired boy in just 53 minutes. Walter on the other hand professed a sore shoulder which rendered him unable to paint. The judge awarded Margaret $4 million worth of damages.

Walter stuck to his claim that he was behind all the paintings until his death in 2000. He did not, however, produce new paintings.

Margaret continued painting big-eyed children. She is 93 years old today and is regarded as a highly successful artist responsible for Keane eyes paintings.

As you receive you give

I know the expression above goes another way (as you give you receive) but it is fitting for what we are talking about here. I've also heard the saying, "fake it till you make it" many times. Walter Keane reaped success and wealth, but could never really paint because he never had the skill in the first place. Unfortunately, when the truth came out he still continued to fake it.

Living that way can result to a delusional disorder much like what happened to Walter. Burn out and depression may also likely result from trying to be something you're not and producing something you don't have in you.

The reality is you cannot give what you don't have.

Professional classical musicians practice hours every day for years showcasing their talent in concerts that would typically be for a couple of hours only. They continue training though in order to display excellence in every performance.

The pinnacle of an athlete's life is competing in the Olympics. Most athletes spend four to eight years training before making it to an Olympic team. Some take more years than that before finally getting a shot at the quadrennial global multi-sport event. Those who make it to the 16-day event put on view all the hours of preparation and hard work they poured into their sport. Those who do exceptionally well take home the much coveted Olympic medal.

He gave

While here on Earth, Jesus led a powerful ministry for three years. When He ascended into heaven, the ministry continued and now there are about 2.3 billion worldwide who claim to be Christians. That is about 30% of the world's population!

One may say that became possible because He is God. There is no doubt about that but we cannot ignore the fact that even though Jesus is God, He spent a lot of time receiving from and listening and talking to the Father. He was very clear that He only does what He sees His Father doing.

He had a very intimate relationship with the Father that He emphasized that those who had seen Him had seen the Father. What is even amazing is He stated that He doesn't speak on his own authority but it is the Father who dwells in Him who does all His works.

Jesus was doing all of the miracles and speaking straight from the Father. He gave what He had inside of Him and brought salvation to the world 2,000 years ago. We receive that salvation by trusting and putting our faith in Jesus. When we do that, we are given an everlasting and abundant life.

You have it

Each one us has something that we've received because someone gave us something. Good and bad life events give us lessons and insights. When we work hard we gain competence during the process.

We have received so much from so many people, events, and experiences that whether we realize or not, we have so much to give.

Let me go back to what I said previously about Jesus and what He gave. The life He has given us is here and now. We don't have to wait to go to heaven to experience the everlasting and abundant life that He talked about.

When we trusted in Jesus, He immediately deposited the Holy Spirit as His guarantee. I don't know if you noticed it but the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit. That is the same Spirit that Jesus had when He did His ministry on earth.

We have the life that He talked about because His Spirit is within us.

Are you thinking of doing something new but unsure of it? Has your life shifted opening doors of opportunity you're scared of stepping into? Is there something that you should do but have not done because you don't have the confidence to do it? Is there someone you are supposed to encourage or give a warning but are afraid to do so?

The Holy Spirit of God is within you. He will guide you into whatever you are supposed to do. Just like Jesus, spend time alone with the Father and receive from Him. Watch what He is doing. Listen to what He is saying. He has so much to give because you also have so much to give.

What you received from God: talent, abilities, skills, character, etc. is not just for you to enjoy but it is to be displayed out into the world. How can others know about His love and gift of an everlasting and abundant life unless we show it?

We don't have to fake it until we make it because we already have something to give. There is no better moment than now. This is it. It's your time.


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